Optimise your supply chain
Today’s markets change quickly and constantly. How can you keep up? One way is to consider how well your supply chain is working. When it’s working well you are getting value across its whole length. To achieve this, you need flexibility and transparency. You need to map the process and be confident to implement change if that’s what is needed. This is supply chain management.
“Minimise costs, maximise profits, increase service levels”
If you work in an environment where flux is the norm, you need to have a competitive advantage by decreasing cycle times and lowering overall logistics costs. This means you are strategically designing – and redesigning — your networks to have an impact on your bottom line.
This is directly linked within Facilities Management to ensure that these elements are optimised:
- Facility location & size
- Facility capability
- Global sourcing analysis
- Supply chain
- Capacity planning & budgeting
- Distribution methods and policies
- Make vs. Buy
- Seasonality & growth analysis
- Inventory Analysis Cost vs. service trade-offs
To achieve this you need to have a holistic approach. Start by examining the different business units in your organisation. Are you making the most of them? Are you fully using all the skills at your disposal?
Develop and determine the best routes to the market. What solutions are most cost-effective and better suits your business needs? Supply chain management means establishing a stream that meets both the needs of your organisation and those of your clients. When drawing a model for supply chain management, it is important to include:
- Operational Process and Design
- Process application and solution Implementation
- Operational Workflow Study and Resource Requirement Planning
If you’re looking for practical support to help make efficient and manage your supply chains, or further information of our full range of services on facilities, please contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss the various options available for you.